Horizon SPF-9 Bookletmaker – 041921122050

The Standard SPF-9 bookletmaker is well suited to both an off-line or on-line with the QC-P10 collator. Capable of producing booklets at speeds up to 2100 booklets per hour, the SPF-9 features simple semi-automatic setup. Changing over to any size sheets from 8.5″ x 11″ to 12.5″ x 17 is accomplished by rotating the easily accessible control knobs. When working with 8.5″ x 11″ sheets, finsihed sets can be stapled and folded, folded only, corner stapled, corner stapled and folded, top or side stapled or top stapled and folded. The FC-9 Face Trimmer can be added to trim the edge of the book by 1/8″ to 1/2″ to provide the highest quality booklets.

S/N: 003021

11v 60HZ


Call for Pricing! 888-837-8101