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2015 Rollem 30″ Rollaway Slitter/Cutter/Creaser w/ Pile Feeder and Descending Stacker – 080824490004A

Type: Rollaway Strike

S/N: X9W2526

Type: Descending Stacker

S/N: DS 15014/033

Type: Rollaway Non-Strike

S/N: RW 1504/028

Type: DFA Box

S/N: DFA 1034/004

The hand-feed table, or early automatic feeder, will be replaced with an up-to-date, high capacity, Rollem Deep Pile Feeder, and highly accurate register table, integrated with the rest of the machine, to provide unprecedented periods of continuous running.

The new Rollem High Capacity Deep Pile Feeder is a suction feeder that will be electronically controlled with the rest of the system.

The Rollaway Slitter is a single direction modular unit for slitting, scoring, perforating, strike-perforating and micro-perforating functions. Two Rollaways combined create the Jetstream model.

The Rollaway delivers high quality automated finishing, surpassing press score quality with a two-stage process that lays a second deeper score over the first score. You can eliminate cracking and achieve a sharper crease even on difficult stocks with Rollem’s two-stage scoring process.

Add the Rollaway to the TR System, the ETR, Advantage, or Champion 990 System to create a bi-directional (four-sided) finishing system.

The Rollem Descending Stacker has increased our production capacity by enabling longer print runs


The Rollem Descending Stacker can process one or more straight or offset stacks, offset stacking at the end of a book or a set of prints, with a variable page count.


  • Minimum paper size: A5 or 8″ width
  • Maximum paper size:  up to B2 or 30″ width
  • Weight stock:  80gsm to 700gsm
  • Applications:  Photobooks, Leaflets, Mailings, Greetings cards and Postcards


  • Full Load: 6.6a
  • 220 Volts
  • 3 Phase
  • 50/60 Hz
  • 1.16 Kw
  • Max Working Load: 540

Call for Pricing! 888-837-8101