2014 AP Dataweigh SR-1 Dynamic In-Motion Checkweigher – 013123131005D
Dynamic check weighing solutions for your exact application and product line Designed with open architecture, the SR-1 checkweigher makes servicing and spare-part acquisition simple. Its bed design enables the SR-1 to weigh up to 200 pieces per minute and repeat to an accuracy of +/- 1 gram and +/- 0.5 grams in slower applications. The softwarebased control system delivers real-time statistical data through networking options. Features such as 60-second calibration and touch screen operation ensure the SR-1 is simple to use.
Model: SR-11-65K-3CG1-MS
S/N: 14080678
- Up to 200 products per minute
- Up to 1 gram accuracy*
- Precision CNC Machined
- 1” Rollers and Choice of Belts
- Up to 5 kg. Capacity
- Belt Tensioning & Tracking without hand tools
- Spike Filtering Load Cells
- 60-second Calibration
SKU: 013123131005D
Categories: 1, Class, Consignment, D, Equipment, Facilities, Material Handling, Number of Pieces, Scales, SF